Alicia Gibbons

Alicia Gibbons
Clarity Catalyst Coach

Dear Jennifer,

I wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news with you! Often as coaches we talk so much of flow state and synchronism, and this was one undoubtedly of those moments. It made me realize we never truly know who’s listening, and how a deeper conversation can lead to new opportunities.

I fell in love with Clarity Catalyst instantly as a student.  I had been a lover of personal development for years. I read the books, did the workshops, went on retreats but nothing resonated with me more than the tools taught within Catalyst.  At the time I was in a lot of emotional pain, and I was on a healing journey like no other.   CC was the number one thing that allowed me to find my way back to myself. I could literally feel the pieces of me being put back together week after week. I would often say to my peer coach Lorraine that this workshop should be in every school and every corporate workplace. Funny enough I said that long before I ever knew the certification was not only for personal journeys but for children and corporate as well. I remember learning about the certification process and literally laughing out loud as my vision was already a part of your teachings.  That was my first step into knowing I was on the right path.

After completing my training for the Cultural Catalyst, I was eager to start finding work, but like most of us we don’t always know where to start.  At the same time, I was actively seeking to find a place to rent for my business. A friend gave me a woman’s number who had an office space to rent in my hometown.  I messaged her and inquired about the space, she messaged back with details and asking what kind of business I had. I decided to send a voice message back explaining everything I did from programs, to coaching and everything in between.   At the time I was thinking I was just giving details to a possible landlord but as fate would have it this conversation became so much more.

After leaving that voice message I quickly got one back, explaining that she was an executive director and that the programs for corporate intrigued her. She asked to set up a meeting within that week to further discuss.  A couple of meetings later with more of her team I was asked to not only do the 8-week Cultural Catalyst Corporate program, but I was also asked to do some 2-hour mindset workshops for the people they support. I was nervous to present a quote for this type of work because I had never done something like this before and believe me my voice of judgement was in overdrive.

I got quiet and let my voice of wisdom lead, I consulted with you, and a couple other fellow coaches, you all became my allies, and then I got clear about the work I wanted to create.   I went back and forth in my head, and finally submitted a quote of $400 per person with a group of 13 people. Not only was the price fine with the executives but they asked me why I had given them such a great discount. I smiled hard that day because it was another indication that I was on the right path.  My reasoning behind the price was simple.  This was my first larger group since my pilot, and they wanted me to do continued workshops through the year not just a one-time program.  The first ½ day workshop I completed with them was a career highlight!

We have the tools people so desperately need especially with the state of the world post pandemic   I did explain how much programs like this typically run and asked them if at the end they would not only recommend me to other companies but to also give me a review on my website.   I am currently on week 6 with this group, the feedback has been amazing, they are using the tools daily and they are loving it. I sometimes can’t believe that this is my work now, that I get to do this. I think back on being the student of Clarity Catalyst and seeing a bigger picture of where work like this was needed, it’s amazing to be now sharing it.  I finally created a business that aligns with me and my core values that helps people find their way back home to themselves through the same program that helped me find my way.  That pain I once carried now holds greater purpose, and I know this is only just the beginning.

Thank you for always being there to consult, share ideas and to whole heartly root for your students, I share this accomplishment with you too!

With love and light,

Alicia Gibbons
Clarity Catalyst Coach