CAJ: The AI Action Catalyst Course builds off the Stanford University master’s degree program The Clarity Catalyst in order to propel you into living out a new goal, project, or vision while learning how to accelerate that dream by supercharging it with the help of advanced AI Tools.

In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week accountability course you will be given the blueprint to actualize a passion project or take your current profession to the next level.

This next step is for you

If you are a person who is ready to….

  • Execute a passion project like taking your current career to the next level by focusing on your social media and marketing, organizing your home/finances, losing weight, creating more passion in a current love relationship, infusing more peace and balance into your life with mindfulness tools, or anything else you would like to achieve
  • Learn new AI tools and processes to design your vision, create a measurable results action blueprint, and be motivated and inspired to execute your blueprint.
  • Belong to a group of like-minded people who also want to be held accountable to take their businesses and their lives to the next level so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community

Then… The Action Catalyst is for you!

In this 8-week program you will:

  • Become self-aware of how you sabotage yourself by procrastinating, so you can get out of your own way and reach your goals once and for all
  • Discover the vast well of innovation that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world
  • Rewrite and Reprogram your limiting conversations of not having enough time, money, or self-love with a new set of beliefs that will propel you into action
  • Connect with a tribe that has been attracted by YOUR awesome vibe…a group of  people who will hold you high and support you
  • Work with your fear of failure or success that has been paralyzing you so that you can finally go for it and live the life that is out there waiting for you
  • Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world

Get a crystal-clear blueprint that will help you execute your creative vision so you can achieve the greatness that you KNOW you are capable of.

A delicious blend of sacred sharing in a safe space, experiential exercises to get you out of your own way, weekly live-withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus powerful brainstorming conversations with your peer coaching connection partner mid-week to land the learning and keep you on track, motivated, and inspired to make your vision a reality.

Next Action Catalyst Starts
Mondays August 14th – October 2nd  6:30-8:00pm EST


Investment is $1197.00


FREE for Level 2+3 R.O.A.R Members

you belong here.

Join our Tribe of 50,000 people who celebrate life, creativity, and community. Enjoy monthly musings, receive special invitations, and free master classes to keep you feeling uplifted, inspired and connected.